Zach Barham

Zach Barham

Frontend developer // and some hobbies


Source available

NextJS / React, Chakra UI, GPT-3

Oct 2021 · individual

Artiller's homepage, designed to be very clean and simple

Artiller's homepage, designed to be very clean and simple (expand)

Artiller is a university project that was created to learn about data storage and caching. It is a web application that aggregates online articles and blog posts, allowing users to search based on keywords, tags, authors, or a link. This information is also used to recommend similar articles. GPT-3 is used to generate tags for articles where they are missing.


Source available

React, Chakra UI, Express

Sep 2021 · individual

Tweetch is a university project that was created to demonstrate creating a full—stack web application using third—party APIs. Its purpose is to help users discover streamers on Twitch, based on who they follow on Twitter. It also shows relevant tweets during a stream to get a wider context of what is happening. Finally, it connects to the YouTube API to show the latest VOD from the creator, in case you missed the stream.


Source available

Vite / React, Electron, TRPC, Vanilla Extract

2021 - now · individual

Muzik's main page, the song list. (Still very early in the design)

Muzik's main page, the song list. (Still very early in the design) (expand)

I haven’t been able to find a music player that is exactly how I like, so I decided to make my own.

It’s a music player pretty much. Currently it can play music, and that’s about it. However I do plan to add more features, such as lyrics and playlists.


Source available

React, Chakra UI, Mapbox

Apr - May 2021 · individual

Country search pops up when you click the search box, with simple autocompletion

Country search pops up when you click the search box, with simple autocompletion (expand)

Hapico was created for a university assignment to display data from the World Happiness Report. The site was designed to format the data in an easily digestible way, and to be visually appealing.

The main feature is a map that allows you to quickly find the happiness score of a country.


Source available

Vite / React, Stitches

2022 - now · individual

RadiantPM is a self—hosted package manager, created for use internally at the Radiant Guild to host our private npm and nuget packages. It's designed around a plugin system so it can be extremely configurable, after an original attempt failed due to increasing development difficulty.

Currently, the project is functional but early in development. It supports npm package hosting, and can be configured with various authorisation and storage methods.


Source availableCurrently hosted

Typescript, Graphics, Web Audio

2020 - now · individual

A collection of small experiments I’ve made, to test concepts and learn new things. To simplify the process of creating new experiments, I’ve created a framework that handles the boilerplate code, including the canvas, event handling, a component system, and coroutine management.

The Radiant Guild

Source available

React (NextJS & Vike), Vanilla Extract, React Query,

2020 - now · group

Source code:

GitHub org
The current homepage, showing the creators and their comics

The current homepage, showing the creators and their comics (expand)

The Radiant Guild is a community of comic artists, writers, and enthusiasts, currently with around 45 members. The website is a place for creators to share their work, and for readers to discover new comics. At the moment, the site is being redesigned and rebuilt from the ground up to be more performant and easier to develop.

I’m working on the front-end of the site, including design, tooling, and development. My friend AUSBird is creating the back-end.


NextJS / React, Vanilla Extract, Prisma, trpc, GTFS

2019 - now · group

The ZoneONE app, showing a map of stops and the trips at one stop

The ZoneONE app, showing a map of stops and the trips at one stop (expand)

ZoneONE is a website that tracks public transport in south—east Queensland. As the site is specifically for SEQ, it is able to provide more detailed information specific to the region.

I’m doing the development of the site, based on UI designs and algorithms created by my friend pionsix.

Currently the site is still in early development, however there is an early version available at

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